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JerilynReeksEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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The only way to really know is to look for the NSF Label on all your supplement products. If it does nt have the NSF label, just say no!

What is an NSF facility / FDA Registered Facility and Why These are Important?

Today, going to the store is not all about picking up what you need, paying for it, and heading back home. You have to research and check
the ingredients. Manufacturers are chasing sales and cutting losses by using highly processed ingredients, some of which might have adverse long-term effects.

Most companies are FDA-approved. But for brands that take extra precautions and value the well-being and safety of their customers,
for instance fixing brand alignment issues, NSF certification is the gold standard. Only a handful of companies meet the requirements of NSF certification, and ours is one of them.

What is NSF?

The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) is a third-party testing and validation foundation that has been in operation since 1944. The foundation has grown
in popularity among consumers and manufacturers because of its strict measures and dedication to improving global human health.

While the FDA is highly regarded, the NSF is the GOLD STANDARD in terms of consumer safety. Its standards help to protect food, water, consumer
products, and the environment through testing, auditing, and certifying products and systems.

What is an NSF Facility?

An NSF facility is any facility that has qualified and received NSF certification. In some cases, you might notice facilities that claim to have
goods “tested to NSF standards.” This is not the same or equal to having NSF certification.

To have NSF certification, the facility needs to;

Have their claims of reduced contaminants in their products and production lines verified and proven.
Their systems must be tested to ensure they don’t add harmful products to the water or foods that they process or handle.
The facility must have structurally sound systems that meet the stringent measures and requirements of the NSF.
The advertising literature and labeling used in the products are verified and accurate.
The materials and production processes are thoroughly tested to guarantee quality products over time.
It is not enough that a brand claims to have products’ tested to NSF standards’; these claims have to be verified. Vava’s nutritional supplements are produced
in an NSF-certified facility meaning all the claims like being vegan-friendly, non-GMO, Cruelty-free, and organic are verified and validated. Our customers have
complete confidence in the value they get inside our supplement bottles.

How Do You Know If a Product and Facility is NSF Certified?

Simple! All NSF-certified products and facilities carry the NSF mark. The mark is a symbol of assurance the packaging claims are accurate and work as expected.

That means you no longer have to worry about going through the confusing ingredients list, or the misleading marketing literature. All you need to do is check for the NSF mark.

Why is it essential for consumers to check for NSF certification?

With the rampant food safety outbreaks and recalls, taking care of your body and guaranteeing the hygiene and care used to make consumer products or foods is becoming harder.

Brands are becoming more deceptive in a bid to increase market share, and increasingly dangerous ingredients are finding their way into your foods.

We understand that your health and overall well-being are your focal points. That’s why all our supplements and health support products are produced in an NSF-registered CGMP facility. Why is this important?

NSF-registered Facilities build trust

Consumer trust is at an all-time low. More than half of the customers aren’t satisfied with the information available on product labels.

One of the ways brands can build trust with their customers is by including trusted certifications on their product packaging and labeling.

Being an independent public health organization, NSF is one of the most credible sources, and its blue symbol is recognized globally.

NSF Facilities are Health code compliant

Healthy living is more than the food you eat. It’s also about the appliances and products you use to prepare your food. Even though not everything in your kitchen needs to be NSF certified, NSF certified appliances meet and exceed the standards of quality and health set by local, state, and federal health codes.

For restaurateurs and other business operators that require frequent inspection, the NSF certification mark is a quick hint to inspectors of compliance and quality.

The NSF symbol represents consumer protection

The CDC estimates that over 48 million people contract foodborne illnesses annually. Up to 128,000 of those require medical attention in a hospital around 3,000 people die from such complications.

These are bone-chilling numbers. Poorly designed equipment is mainly to blame for the cross-contamination and endangering of millions of lives.

The checks and balances done by the NSF are aimed to reduce the risk of contamination by ensuring food-grade equipment and food produce are handled in the proper environment using safety equipment. The NSF symbol only appears on foods and consumer products that pass these checks, meaning the chances of cross-contamination are lower.

Accuracy: You get what’s on the label

It’s common practice for brands to exaggerate what’s on offer. Consumers are up in arms, taking drastic measures to adopt healthier lifestyles. Brands take note of this and label their products accordingly. As you might have noticed, in most cases, the labeling is misleading.

With consumer products that carry the NSF symbol, the claims on the labeling and packaging are verified and validated. If you buy bread with a label indicating “made with real carrots,” then the bread contains real carrots as an ingredient.

The NSF mark symbolizes truth and transparency in the claims on the product label.

The Takeaway

Getting NSF certification is not easy. There is a ton of qualifications and standards that have to be met. In some states, it’s a requirement that specific equipment, especially those used in the restaurant business, be approved and certified by NSF International. There’s also a seven-step process that products must pass through to meet the NSF criteria.

Good health is your most valuable asset, and you should guard it jealously. That’s why we find it necessary to go through the stringent NSF measures to provide you with products that not only support your body in being the best it can be but also made from the best practices that are safe for the environment as well.

Sorry guys, nothing to sell you in this email. Just education. Hope You have a safe and happy hiliday season, and only buy supplements form NSF approved facilities.
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November 4, 2022
NickPetrusEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Hello. My name is Nick, I am an entrepreneur and creator of the revolutionary software www.nick-ai.ca.Which will help your business in writing any content in seconds and attract more customers.
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Thank you Nick Founder of Nick AI.

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November 3, 2022
LeroyHarvillEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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November 3, 2022
BrianWRIGHTEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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November 2, 2022
GonzaloLogsdonEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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October 31, 2022
SonyaStricklandEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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It seems your website is not ranking that well,
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October 31, 2022
NelleDalgetyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Hey there,

I've been sending you a few messages and emails for the last few days. I know the process may seem a bit overwhelming and I want to make sure that you feel comfortable and ready.

After all, this is a big decision, and knowing that you don’t have to take it all on your shoulders can make all the difference.

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Good luck in your search

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October 29, 2022
GracieKirbyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Today, many people are worried about their professional future and I completely understand.

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October 25, 2022
NestorBartosEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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You need this for your bussiness , check out All-In-One Sales & Marketing Platform

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October 25, 2022
TangelaUnwinEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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I found your site on page 3 of google and thought you might like to get to page 1 with this 80% discount on SEO

kind regards

to unsubscribe email the email address and state that you would like to unsubscribe.

October 25, 2022
JuliusRectorEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Hey I found this SEO tool you may like click the link to find out.

October 24, 2022
ArnoldEasterbyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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We have hacked your website https://msgleasing.com and extracted your databases.

H0w did this happen?

0ur team has f0und a vulnerability within y0ur site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able t0 get y0ur database credentials and extract your entire database and m0ve the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically g0 through a series 0f steps 0f totally damaging y0ur reputation. First y0ur database will be leaked or sold t0 the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intenti0ns are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their inf0rmati0n has been sold 0r leaked and your site https://msgleasing.com was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry cust0mers/ass0ciates with whatever angry cust0mers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past t0 de-index our targets.

How do i st0p this?

We are willing to refrain from destr0ying y0ur site’s reputati0n for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (.16 BTC).

Please send the bitcoin to the foll0wing Bitcoin address (Make sure t0 c0py and paste):


once y0u have paid we will aut0matically get inf0rmed that it was y0ur payment. Please note that y0u have t0 make payment within 5 days after receiving this e-mail 0r the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index 0f your site WiLL start!

H0w d0 i get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites 0r even 0ffline fr0m a Bitcoin-ATM.

What if i d0n’t pay?

if you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uph0ld it until y0u do, there’s no c0unter measure to this, you will only end up wasting m0re m0ney trying t0 find a s0luti0n. We will completely destroy your reputati0n amongst g00gle and your customers.

This is not a hoax, d0 n0t reply t0 this email, d0n’t try to reason 0r negotiate, we will n0t read any replies. 0nce y0u have paid we will st0p what we were doing and you will never hear fr0m us again!

Please n0te that Bitcoin is an0nym0us and n0 one will find 0ut that you have c0mplied.

October 17, 2022
Annetta PicardPicardEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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October 16, 2022
Evonne ButterfieldButterfieldEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Its crazy! Did you know people were making so much money with ai?



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October 14, 2022
DaveMillingtonEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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October 11, 2022
SaifHabibEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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We are working on a project of purchase new "2,000 Gallon Water Tank" and shipping to "Monroe, NC 28112 USA".

Please have the proper sales contact reach out to me by email at vehiclesales@tii-usa.com so that I can send you our project details.

We will be waiting for your prompt response.

Saif Habib

October 11, 2022
JacobLewisEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Are you still in business?
I found a few errors on your site.
Would you like me to send over a screenshot of those errors?

(714) 500-7363

October 10, 2022
JacobLewisEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Are you still in business?
I found a few errors on your site.
Would you like me to send over a screenshot of those errors?

(714) 500-7363

October 9, 2022
JacobLewisEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Are you still in business?
I found a few errors on your site.
Would you like me to send over a screenshot of those errors?

(714) 500-7363

October 9, 2022
TheresaStansburyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Horny Shriya called you 2 times. She is online. Click the below link to chat with her. She is very horny now.


October 7, 2022
Jacob LewisLewisEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Are you still in business?
I found a few errors on your site.
Would you like me to send over a screenshot of those errors?

(714) 500-7363

October 6, 2022
Cassie FoosFoosEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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October 5, 2022
Jacob LewisLewisEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Are you still in business?
I found a few errors on your site.
Would you like me to send over a screenshot of those errors?

(714) 500-7363

October 1, 2022
Rhonda McKeanMcKeanEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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September 29, 2022
Anthony ThomasThomasEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
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Express Capital
9169 W State St #3242
Garden City, ID 83714

September 28, 2022
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